Problem Solving and A3 Thinking Reviews

A3 Thinking is the foundation of any successful operating model and problem solving is the life blood of continuous improvement, but both require the guidance of a coach.

Someone to promote the idea of the critical few and leading and lagging metrics in an A3. Someone to explain the difference between point of detection, point of cause, direct cause and solving to the root cause.

This type of coaching is best done one on one with the documents in hand walking through each of the steps and leaning-by-doing.


We have a talented group of experienced coaches able to review and coach individuals through Strategic A3’s and Practical Problem-Solving efforts to generate real business value.  Just like any skill, it is learned with practice and learned-by-doing.


We’ve developed a coaching model to help our client partners during this challenging time.

We are offering 2-hour blocks of coaching with our experts.

Pricing Model

1/4 Day Block of Coaching using Webex (2 hours) – Cost 1/4 of Standard Billable Day

1/2 Day Block of Coaching using Webex (4 hours) – Cost 1/2 of Standard Billable Day

Minimum Block purchase is 1 Standard Billable Day over two weeks.

Contact us or more information.